2016 - 2018

SHEPHERD is formed


Originally started in 2016, SHEPHERD was the first iteration of the community we now call Fireside. Starting out as a Star Citizen exclusive guild, the small group of members quickly expanded out into other games in preperation for Star Citizen’s eventual release.

 2018 - 2021

The Watchdog Coalition Era


Shortly before the release of Archeage : Unchained, the core group of SHEPHERD members realized that the name wouldn’t fit the expanding library of games that they were playing together. They spent a couple of weeks deciding on a new name and rested on Watchdog Coalition in 2018

 2021 - Present



Watchdog Coalition had become something bigger than its original intent. It has become a multi-gaming community, spanning dozens of MMOs, and hundreds of smaller gamers. The members collectively decided that it was time for new branding that really represented who they were as a group. They decided on Fireside; a name representing several adventurers, from all walks of life gathering together to tell stories around the fire.